Your Journey with God

Just said yes to Jesus? Want to learn more about the Bible and Christianity? Or want to know what's next for your faith journey? You've come to the right place.

We want to celebrate with you!

Congratulations on beginning your journey with God; and today everything changes for you as you accept the forgiveness and grace of a Saviour who loved you and knew you from before the foundation of the world was ever laid. God has loved you with an everlasting love and pursued you with passion and purpose. That you have found Him, means your life, your future and your eternity is held in the hands of a Heavenly Father who only desires the very best for you. To help you understand and begin your journey we have provided some information to get you started.

Let us know about your decision

    Our Discipleship Pathway

    BELIEVE, CONNECT, SERVE and MULTIPLY are the four words that describe our simple pathway that we encourage our church to follow.


    Believe in God.

    Accepting God’s gift of salvation is one of the best decisions you will ever make. Learn more about Jesus, understand why He died for you and how you can accept His gift. Our Sunday services are designed to help you with BELIEVE. Each Sunday we pray together as a church and then we celebrate every answered prayer. You can hand in your prayer requests and praise reports each Sunday and share your testimony with us. As a church we also have water baptism services if you would like to be baptised.


    Connect with others.

    At City Church we love seeing people connect with other like minded friends. Our second step in our discipleship pathway is connecting. Connect groups are designed for you to make new friends and discover more about Jesus. No matter who you are, there is a group that will suit you. We have groups for young people, young adults, young families, women, men and for the young at heart. If you are interested in joining a group we would love to help you join a group today.


    Get involved.

    Getting involved with our various teams and community outreach programs on Sunday or throughout the week is a vital part of our Church community. It is highly rewarding to serve in an area where not only your gifting may lie, but where you can see that what you are doing is making an impact in people around you.

    At City Church you can get involved in so many areas from helping in City Church Care, becoming an inspiring Kids leader, using your gifts in the Creative teams or serving in the Connect Cafe. There are so many more places where you may be surprised that can use a person like you. We would love to hear from you if you would like to get involved in one of our amazing City Church teams. Come and see us at the Connect Desk for more info.


    Lead others.

    Your story matters. What better way to show how God has worked in your life than to help others discover Jesus and grow in your faith. It is amazing when we see the fruit that has come from growing in your relationship with God and the outworking of the Holy Spirit in your life. There are ways that you can put this into action. At City Church we hold T.E.A.M nights specifically aimed at leadership development and equipping the church in how to rise up into their God given callings. Multiplying is the heart of City Church and we love seeing it in action.


    So Others May Live.